Carroll County Fish and Game Club Meeting Minutes
The November CCFGC meeting was called to order at 7 pm by President Jody Rogers and began with the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Pond Officer, AlecFrankel. The meeting was held at The Lobster Trap in North Conway. There were about 17 members in attendance, and all officers were present.
Meeting Minutes
Recording secretary Carol Shiers read the October minutes. Motion to accept the October minutes was led by Doc Long, seconded by Alec Frankel, and accepted unanimously. No errors or omissions were noted.
Treasurer’s Report
Presented by club treasurer, Marie Ciriello-Rizzo. End 0f October balance: $47198. Increase in balance due to cashing in CDs, because they were no longer making much in interest. Money will be invested in money market instead. Income $205 from memberships. Major expenses: $102 for security system monitoring; $1040 for snow removal contract, 2018-2019; $280 for 4 months of waste removal. Total expenses: $1762 for the month. Loss for the month of -$1542. Motion to accept report led by Dave Morrison, seconded by Ann Smith, and accepted unanimously. No errors or omissions were noted.
Pond Officer’s Report
Alec Frankel reported that fishing has officially ended for the 2018 season. Anyone interested in trapping bait fish should contact him by email: alecfrankel@gmail.com. Make sure to put your name and contact details on the traps. Still be careful if using the docks as there are still some soft boards that need to be taken care of in the spring.
Ranger Master’s Report
Ron Lanigan reported that all is going well at the range. He feels content with a productive 2018 season behind him, and looks forward to starting additional programs in 2019, including one geared toward attracting a younger crowd. This led to a conversation about how to attract young people to the club, including a course on gun safety in the home, a series of articles in the Conway Daily Sun about hunting, fishing, and outdoor life in the MWV, and bring-a-youth to the range activities. Ron is open to ideas and discussions and is usually at the club on Wednesday mornings. Get out, shoot, and enjoy!
· Congratulations to Jody Rogers and the Kennett Middle School Football team on their winning 7 – 1 season!
· Updated renewal membership forms for the 2019 season are attached to this email.
· Jody Rogers shared that the spirit of his father, Dennis Rogers (and his ashes), now reside in the White Mountain National Forest following a celebration of life there in late October. Remember, donations for the Dennis Rogers Youth Fishing Derby and memorial plaque are still being accepted by club secretary Marie Ciriello-Rizzo.
· CCFGC club office nominations were accepted at the November meeting. All current officers will run unopposed for December elections: Pond Officer – Alec Frankel; Ranger Master – Ron Lanigan; Treasurer/Secretary – Marie Ciriello-Rizzo; Vice President – Dave Morrison; President – Jody Rogers.
· Trap Shooting has closed for the 2018 season.
Old Business:
· Doc Long awarded prizes to the winner of the 9th Annual First Responder’s Shooting Match:
*First place for rifle AND handgun: Kirk Smith – awarded a Leatherman tool
*Second place, handgun: Fred Ham – awarded a Buck knife
*Third place, handgun: Steve Fox – awarded a Case knife
Doc Long also mentioned that he was excited about Ed Martinez taking over responsibility for the 10th annual First Responders Shooting
Match in spring of 2019!
New Business:
· Kirk Smith gave CCFGC secretary Marie Ciriello-Rizzo a check for $1626, which was the money collected from the 2018 trap shooting season. This money goes toward purchasing of clay, and other costs for trap shooting next season.
· Jody Rogers discussed updates to 2019 membership cost (first increase in 18 years): Seniors (over 65): $40; Adults and Guess Passes: $50; Juniors (16 – 18 years old): $25; Sub Junior (15 and younger): FREE; Replacement membership card: $5.
A motion was set forth by Doc Long that the meeting be adjourned at 7:31 pm and was approved unanimously.
Next meeting will be December 5 at the Lobster Trap Restaurant. Dinner at 5:30; meeting at 7 pm.
Happy Thanksgiving to all, and happy hunting - be safe out in the woods!!
Minutes respectfully submitted by Carol Shiers * cmshiers7@gmail.com * (603)986-3254